We offer a wide range of adult coffins and caskets, from classic traditional designs in a selection of veneered or solid wood, natural environment coffins such as wicker, cardboard and woollen, to alternative and bespoke coffins and caskets.

Traditional Coffins

Our wooden coffins are made from FSC sustainable sources.
There are also many styles of coffin and casket furniture (handles, nameplates, decoration).
If there is something you require that is not on shown, please ask us.

Caskets are a more elaborate type of coffin, where the lid of the casket can be split to allow you to view your loved one.
The interior is covered in plush fabrics, including the lid, which is normally padded. The ‘Last Supper’ scene can also be added into the lid.
Caskets are more expensive than the traditional wooden coffins.

Bespoke Coffins
If you prefer something more personalised for your loved one, you may want to consider an alternative or bespoke coffin. This can be as individual as your loved one.

& Eco Coffins
Our Eco coffins are made fopm the finest pure natural materials; wicker, banana leaves, wool and many other options. Suitable for both burial and cremation
Repatriation Coffins
If your loved one is being repatriated back to their country of origin, it is a legal requirement that a zinc-lined coffin, which is hermetically sealed (air-tight), will need to be used.
If your loved one has had a cremation service and you wish to take the ashes back to their country of origin, the casket still needs to be hermetically sealed but does not require to be zinc-lined.
You can view our coffin ranges by clicking on the appropriate link below.